About Lucie
My name is Lucie Kupcová and I am especially dancer, but also a guide of spiritual development seminars for women, owner of Studio Loona, founder of Loona Dance Academy (accredited studies by the Ministry of Education), trainer and author of the dance concept Loona dance. Loona dance is another possible tool for women to help them connect with themselves, to their inner healer to become conscious, who they really are, what they want, what are their gifts and abilities and began to use it more in their life.
I inspire to unusuall lifestyle. Women due to a deeper contact with themselves realize new, creative solutions and approaches. I show how to live the life we want, not the one that we live for others - community, parents, business, partner. Only when we are who we really are, we will be successful in what we do.
I provide an inspiration to broaden own horizons, new opportunities to self-realization and to explore own, perhaps still hidden, abilities and talents. Through feminine ways, we can stop, relax and connect with ourselves, express ourselves and fulfill our aspirations.
From the year 2011, I regularly conduct dance lessons Loona dance, Loona dance training courses, weekend workshops for women, training of new teachers and I'm also the author and organizer of the evening ritual - shamanic „dance of intention“ for about 100 people called KEEP VISION - dance session in the chapel of Sacre Coeur and of the event Rebel dance couching.
My gift is to create authentic safe space for free expression and thereby the possibility to awaken true self, own true hidden feelings, own abilities, desires or gifts. I am helping women to go through their own depth and safely return them back with a valuable information, and recharged strenght.
I am responsible for the quality of my work, I do not take responsibility for the personal development of clients, their emotions and behavior, I do not do anything for them, but I show how they can work with it and what they can do with it themselves, because everyone of us has their own responsibility for life , their behavior, actions and emotions, for the development of their personality and what they currently need. I inspire and help only those who really want and let it happen.
In my work I primarily use experiential and shamanic dance, dance constellations, work with voice, body, art therapy and other right hemisphere techniques. I was inspired by a tradition of Wicca, western and eastern shamanism, philosophy Tao, Tantra, I work with lunar energy and the 4 basic phases of the Moon - new, crescent moon, full moon and waning moon that are substituted by archetypes: the virgin, the mother, the enchantress and the hag. These teachings have enriched my rational life to a new dimension.
The last 10 years I actively work on my own self-development. During this time I gained a lot of valuable experiences and information that I gladly hand out further. Perhaps the biggest inspiration for me was and still is my alternative "coach" spiritual teacher and friend Marie Madeira. I am deeply enriched by the work of Tamara Melissa (Dance mothers) and Renata Sahani (working with pelvic floor).
My ideas for courses and seminars were gradually developing on the basis of my personal life themes. Hundreds of women passed through them and for me they are authentic and personal.
I attended a number of courses and seminars designed to work with voice, body, dance and movement, both eastern and western spirituality, systemic constellation, course One brain and The Journey method, EFT, training, active and conscious preparation for motherhood and parenthood in A center, work with pelvic floor at the School of the pelvic floor and others.
Most of all, however, I am inspired by my own personal inner wisdom and memories.
Professional Profile:
Owner of Studio Loona
The author of the dance concept Loona Dance - Dance Meditation for Women
Founder Loona Dance Academy Ltd., accredited studies at the Ministry of Education - School of experiential dance, lunar dancers
organisation of Loona dance workshops for beginners and advanced, individual consultations
guide of experiential development seminars for women on the topic - conscious womanhood, personal potential - uniqueness and creativity
author and organizer of the dance project KEEP VISION- dance in the chapel of Sacre Coeur
accredited dance teacher for pregnant women, for mothers after childbirth guaranteed UNIPA
teacher of physical activities for parents with children accredited by the Ministry of Education
certified instructor of the School of pelvic floor, 3x3 method Renata Sahani
provides services brand building, PR and marketing advice to companies and self-employed persons - guides, teachers, coaches, therapists, small businesses
Career history:
brand building, marketing, PR advisor, member of the Executive Committee of A Center, coordinator of corporate seminars
14 years of experience in advertising, PR, brand building, media, online communications, event management and web management, etc.
worked in managerial positions in advertising agencies, managed commercial projects - Ferrero (Tic Tac), Renault, Wrigley, Mars, Berentzen and other.